How to setup redis-server 3.0.7 for Tyk 1.9.1 on Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS

The parameter slaveof doesn’t work if you have “enable_cluster”: true

I followed the redis cluster guide as much as possible. I get stuck in the section where it says to create different directories with different ports and to put one redis.conf inside each directories. I obviously don’t have to do this since I start my redis instance using the tyk.conf gateway.

My problem is when I run ./tyk --conf=tyk.conf , then I get the following errors :

root@tyk:/opt/tyk-gateway# ./tyk --conf=tyk.conf
INFO[0000] Hostname set:
INFO[0000] --> Using clustered mode
INFO[0000] Connection dropped, connecting…
INFO[0000] --> Using clustered mode
ERRO[0000] Could not EXPIRE key: could not complete command
INFO[0000] [HOST CHECK MANAGER] Starting Poller
INFO[0000] Setting up Server
INFO[0000] --> Standard listener (http)
INFO[0000] Detected 0 APIs
INFO[0000] Loading uptime tests…
INFO[0000] Loaded 0 policies
INFO[0000] Gateway started (v1.9.1.1)
INFO[0000] --> Listening on port: 8080
ERRO[0005] Multi command failed: could not complete command
ERRO[0005] Multi command failed: could not complete command
ERRO[0010] Multi command failed: could not complete command
ERRO[0010] Multi command failed: could not complete command
ERRO[0010] Could not EXPIRE key: could not complete command

So I haven’t continued the Redis tutorial which say to install redis-trib and run “gem install redis” to create the cluster. I was bothered by the errors I get simply trying to run the gateway.

Thank you for the fast reply. Greatly appreciated.