How to scale Tyk OpenSource Gateway?


I am using Tyk OpenSource Gateway using this repo in GitHub: GitHub - TykTechnologies/tyk-gateway-docker: Docker compose deployment to run Tyk OSS Gateway

It works fine for me.

However, may I know is it possible to scale this gateway? Like is it possible to use docker swarm to scale it? I found a gGitHub repo from Tyk using docker swarm, but it is for Tyk-pro-demo, not for this openSource version.

Thanks & regards,

Maan Tarng

I do want to point out that a single gateway can perform considerable well.

Like is it possible to use docker swarm to scale it?

Based on the mentioned repro, it doesn’t seem possible without a license. I also don’t think we support docker swarm since the repo was last updated 2 years ago.

However, may I know is it possible to scale this gateway?

It is possible with load balancers, a good architecture and some effort. You do have to ensure your APIs are updated across all the gateways.

You could check out other possible options Tyk OSS in Kubernetes with more ReplicaCount - #2 by Pete

@Olu Thanks for your help aand information.


Maan Tarng