Hello @billo-lm and welcome to the community.
Yes, you can use docker shared volumes or use SCM with CI/CD as mentioned on the thread
If you are using shared volumes and docker compose, then you should have something like this
image: tykio/tyk-gateway:v3.1.2
- '8080:8080'
- '8081:8081'
- './apis:/opt/tyk-gateway/apps'
- './certs:/opt/tyk-gateway/certs'
- './confs/gateway.conf:/opt/tyk-gateway/tyk.conf'
- './policies/policies.json:/opt/tyk-gateway/policies/policies.json'
- './middleware:/opt/tyk-gateway/middleware'
The setup above should preserve your API definition and policies as long as you have also setup file based mode for the APIs and policy in the gateway config file
"app_path": "/opt/tyk-gateway/apps/",
"policies": {
"policy_source": "file",
"policy_record_name": "/opt/tyk-gateway/policies/policies.json"
As for setting up persistent storage with your keys, this thread some good information.
Hope this helps