How to omit proxy.listen_path in external URL

Is there an option to omit listen_path from being included in user’s URL?
If there is only one API in the Tyk gateway, and I would like to route all traffic to one target.
I tried setting proxy.listen_path to “/” but this leads to pod crash because /health endpoints are failing
I also tried “” (empty) - Tyk threw the error explicitly point to the null listen_path

Thank you

Hello @Yegor_Lopatin if you omit the listen path then their will be no way for Tyk to know where your API request should go.

The only thing that you can omit is your listen_path from the request to your API servers.

You may want to look into custom domains however. Setting that may do what you are looking for as Tyk routes based on the host. Might be worth a shot. I bolded the option in the api definition below.

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“use_mutual_tls_auth”: false

You also could try using a regex in the listen path and try accepting everything but /hello endpoint.

thank you for the suggestion
based on the source code listen path is a must

thank you again

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