I am testing tyk (community edition) for our environment. The whole setup is running in EKS and is deployed with tyk’s helm charts.
We have requirement to build a custom plugin (could be go or python). I have created a bundle.zip but I am not sure how to deploy this to the gateway deployment. I wanted to check if there is a support for s3 in place or github?
I got partial reason and now I am getting the logs for bundle download.
You have delete and recreate the whole apidefinition resource in kubernetes. This does not make sense and is a big issue, if you need to redeploy the api definition everytime.
After redeploying the API definition, I can see gateway is trying to download the bundle but getting 403. The ‘bundle.zip’ in a public object in an S3. Not sure why its getting 403. I am able to download the object without any auth from different pods.
Attempting to download plugin bundle: https://<bucket-name>.s3.<region>.amazonaws.com/%E2%80%9Cbundle.zip%E2%80%9D
Looks like the issue is due to the “%E2%80%9C” and “%E2%80%9D” thats getting appended.
Its me again, I am trying to figure out how to deploy mserv as proxy server on kubernetes and use it to download bundles from S3? Is there any such examples?