How to: Connect Tyk API Gateway to REST APIs

First, thanks a lot for the quick responses!! “Rookie questions” usually get no answers on other forum so thanks and congrats on that! :slight_smile:

Regarding the API definition, since this is a really simple personal project used to learn API Gateway, I don’t have a full documentation for it (maybe that will be my next learning step). However, I’m copying my list of API calls from Postman (as an image) so you can see the structure (I believe it should be fairly easy for you to deduce the rest - let me know if not). To sum up:

  • URI-CLTACCT is the first API micro-service, managing users and accounts.
  • URI-TXN is the second API micro-service, managing only transactions.

Note: they both use JSON web token with different secrets.

From there, I want to implement a Tyk API Gateway managing the security, etc. for all API micro-services (in other words, all the advantages of the API gateway).

I had already followed the blog post suggested by Kos to add Auth0 and the “Auth0 Tyk API” is there but not sure what to do from there to connect it to the rest.

So far, I have the 2 “Tyk API” as follows:

Now, that’s where I’m a little confused; following the previous article I mentioned, how to create my token (in a test/Postman scenario) with Auth0? I’m reading up on that right now… But once figured out, how to make a request using Postman to the URI which will forward to the URI-CLTACCT micro-service while transforming the token to the user’s appropriate JSON web token and to the right path on the micro-service? I feel this is basic API Gateway stuff but somehow, I can find how to do it or if I’m completely wrong the way I go about it… For example, a smaller item, is my API definition/specification/design correct to have the “staging” in the URL for the test environment?

Again, thanks for the answers!