Help with Endpoint Designer

Hello, I need help with the following request:
I have an API that should return the following:

/ -> Mocked response
/{category}/en-US/… -> redirect to URL 1
/{category}/de-DE/… -> redirect to URL 2

So basically I need to rewrite the host based on the culture which always occurs after one url segment.
The documentation says that {category} would actually get converted to (.*), so the specific culture part won’t work? The other problem is that I can only rewrite path and not host… :confused:

I’d need something like the Versioning but with second URL segment instead of first.
Can someone help me how to define this?

You can use direct regexes, the variable-based curly-bracket style is just to capture elements and make he pattern more readable for humans, the variable won’t be exposed to the rewrite.