gRPC passthrough proxying with tyk

Hi, I am trying to setup tyk as API gateway for gRPC passthrough proxy. I am referring to this document gRPC Proxy for the setup.

I am using tyk open source setup (GitHub - TykTechnologies/tyk-gateway-docker: Docker compose deployment to run Tyk OSS Gateway). I have added the following configuration for tyk

"http_server_options": {
    "enable_websockets": true,
    "enable_http2" : true,
    "proxy_enable_http2": true

However, this seems to give an issue with permission denied when I am trying to access the grpc service.

Do we need dashboard for grpc proxy or is open source sufficient ?

@sharathchandramg Welcome to the community.

Could you share the permission denied error message you are getting?

From your config I can see proxy_enabled_http2 is a child of http_server_options. But it should be in at the root of the config instead.

No, you don’t need the dashboard. The gateway is sufficient

@Olu Thanks for clarification on the requirement for tyk dashboard.
I changed the configuration and I am now getting the following error

  Code: Unimplemented
  Message: unexpected HTTP status code received from server: 404 (Not Found); transport: received unexpected content-type "text/plain; charset=utf-8"

I have a sample grpc service which I am able to invoke locally with

grpcurl --plaintext -d '{"name": "test111"}' localhost:9000 com.<package_name>.v1.HelloService/SayHello

However on running the grpc docker container, I am tying to invoke the same service with

grpcurl --plaintext --proto src/main/proto/random/hello.proto localhost:8080 com.cuezen.nsapi.schema.v1.HelloService/SayHello

The configuration for apps is

    "name": "Hello Test API",
    "api_id": "100",
    "org_id": "default",
    "proxy": {
        "listen_path": "/SayHello",
        "target_url": "h2c://localhost:9000",
        "strip_listen_path": false


Is there any configuration I am missing here ?

Well you are missing a couple of configurations. Version and auth mode

  "use_keyless": true,
  "version_data": {
    "not_versioned": true,
    "default_version": "",
    "versions": {
      "Default": {
        "name": "Default",
        "expires": "",
        "paths": {},
        "use_extended_paths": true,
        "extended_paths": {}

But those are not the ones causing the issue. I see you have specified a listen path for your API. It should be the root path /

You also mentioned you are using docker. You may need to access localhost from the host inside the docker container.

@Olu, Thanks for the reply. I have added the version and auth mode configurations.

I tried updating the configuration on tyk apps to ensure that container can connect to host (nginx - From inside of a Docker container, how do I connect to the localhost of the machine? - Stack Overflow)

    "name": "Hello Test API",
    "api_id": "100",
    "org_id": "default",
    "proxy": {
        "listen_path": "/",
        "target_url": "h2c://<ip_address>:9000",
        "strip_listen_path": false

    "name": "Hello Test API",
    "api_id": "100",
    "org_id": "default",
    "proxy": {
        "listen_path": "/",
        "target_url": "h2c://host.docker.internal:9000",
        "strip_listen_path": false


With both of these I am getting the permission denied error

  Code: PermissionDenied
  Message: unexpected HTTP status code received from server: 403 (Forbidden); transport: received unexpected content-type "application/json"

What does this error mean ?

It means you haven’t added the version and auth mode. We have a schema that shows the minimum or required properties in an API definition. You can ignore the active property since that is a dashboard requirement instead.

    "name": "Hello Test API",
    "api_id": "100",
    "org_id": "default",
    "proxy": {
        "listen_path": "/",
        "target_url": "h2c://host.docker.internal:9000",
        "strip_listen_path": false
  "use_keyless": true,
  "version_data": {
    "not_versioned": true,
    "default_version": "",
    "versions": {}

If you examine the gateway logs, you may find more information about errors encountered. You may even enable debug logging to see more verbose logging.

If you are using docker then this thread would help

Hi, I am able to use tyk as grpc pass through with the suggested schema changes. Thanks a lot for the support @Olu