Get started tutorial ends in "JWT Invalid: Validation error"

I was following the tutorial here:

I created both an API (definition at the very bottom) and a key to authenticate with. Now when I try requesting the proxied API route with the key, the client gets a Key not authorised error.

Can anybody see a mistake here? Thanks in advance!

Tyk logs this:

time="Jul 25 19:13:48" level=warning msg="JWT Invalid: Validation error. Jwt token validation failed."
time="Jul 25 19:13:48" level=warning msg="Attempted access with invalid key." key="[JWT]"
time="Jul 25 19:13:48" level=error msg="request error: Key not authorised" api_id=demoapi org_id=default path="/demoapi/" server_name="http://demoapi:5000/" user_id= user_ip=

I created the key like this:

http post localhost:8080/tyk/keys/create $AUTH_HEADER \
  org_id=default \
  allowance:=1000 \
  rate:=1000 \
  per:=1 \
  expires:=1 \
  quota_max:=1 \
  quota_renews:=1449051461 \
  quota_remaining:=1 \
  quota_renewal_rate:=60 \
  access_rights:='{"demoapi": {"api_id": "demoapi", "api_name": "Demo API", "versions": ["Default"]}}' \

The result:

    "action": "create",
    "key": "default3bb47fd13e954d0d69e58758a1232597",
    "status": "ok"

The full JSON data for the key stored in redis:

  "last_check": 0,
  "allowance": 1000,
  "rate": 1000,
  "per": 1,
  "expires": 1,
  "quota_max": 1,
  "quota_renews": 1501010030,
  "quota_remaining": 1,
  "quota_renewal_rate": 60,
  "access_rights": {
    "demoapi": {
      "api_name": "Demo API",
      "api_id": "demoapi",
      "versions": [
      "allowed_urls": null
  "org_id": "default",
  "oauth_client_id": "",
  "oauth_keys": null,
  "basic_auth_data": {
    "password": "",
    "hash_type": ""
  "jwt_data": {
    "secret": ""
  "hmac_enabled": false,
  "hmac_string": "",
  "is_inactive": false,
  "apply_policy_id": "",
  "data_expires": 0,
  "monitor": {
    "trigger_limits": null
  "enable_detail_recording": false,
  "meta_data": {},
  "tags": null,
  "alias": "",
  "last_updated": "1501009970",
  "id_extractor_deadline": 0,
  "session_lifetime": 0

The test request to authenticate with this key for the proxied API:

http get localhost:8080/demoapi/ 'Authorization:Bearer default3bb47fd13e954d0d69e58758a1232597'
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Connection: close
Content-Length: 38
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2017 19:13:48 GMT

    "error": "Key not authorised"

The API definition:

  "id": "59777906914dc34201d094d5",
  "name": "Demo API",
  "slug": "demoapi",
  "api_id": "demoapi",
  "org_id": "default",
  "use_keyless": false,
  "use_oauth2": false,
  "oauth_meta": {
    "allowed_access_types": [],
    "allowed_authorize_types": [],
    "auth_login_redirect": ""
  "auth": {
    "use_param": false,
    "use_cookie": false,
    "auth_header_name": "Authorization"
  "use_basic_auth": false,
  "enable_jwt": false,
  "jwt_signing_method": "",
  "notifications": {
    "shared_secret": "",
    "oauth_on_keychange_url": ""
  "enable_signature_checking": false,
  "hmac_allowed_clock_skew": -1,
  "definition": {
    "location": "header",
    "key": "x-api-version"
  "version_data": {
    "not_versioned": true,
    "versions": {
      "Default": {
        "name": "Default",
        "expires": "",
        "paths": {
          "ignored": [],
          "white_list": [],
          "black_list": []
        "use_extended_paths": true,
        "extended_paths": {
          "ignored": [],
          "white_list": [],
          "black_list": [],
          "cache": [],
          "transform": [],
          "transform_response": [],
          "transform_headers": [],
          "transform_response_headers": [],
          "hard_timeouts": [],
          "circuit_breakers": [],
          "url_rewrites": [],
          "virtual": [],
          "size_limits": []
        "global_headers": {},
        "global_headers_remove": [],
        "global_size_limit": 0
  "uptime_tests": {
    "check_list": [],
    "config": {
      "expire_utime_after": 0,
      "service_discovery": {
        "use_discovery_service": false,
        "query_endpoint": "",
        "use_nested_query": false,
        "parent_data_path": "",
        "data_path": "",
        "port_data_path": "",
        "use_target_list": false,
        "cache_timeout": 0,
        "endpoint_returns_list": false
      "recheck_wait": 0
  "proxy": {
    "listen_path": "/demoapi/",
    "target_url": "http://demoapi:5000/",
    "strip_listen_path": true,
    "enable_load_balancing": false,
    "target_list": [],
    "check_host_against_uptime_tests": false,
    "service_discovery": {
      "use_discovery_service": false,
      "query_endpoint": "",
      "use_nested_query": false,
      "parent_data_path": "",
      "data_path": "",
      "port_data_path": "",
      "use_target_list": false,
      "cache_timeout": 0,
      "endpoint_returns_list": false
  "custom_middleware": {
    "pre": [],
    "post": [],
    "response": []
  "cache_options": {
    "cache_timeout": 60,
    "enable_cache": true,
    "cache_all_safe_requests": false,
    "enable_upstream_cache_control": false
  "session_lifetime": 0,
  "active": true,
  "auth_provider": {
    "name": "",
    "storage_engine": "",
    "meta": {}
  "session_provider": {
    "name": "",
    "storage_engine": "",
    "meta": null
  "event_handlers": {
    "events": {}
  "enable_batch_request_support": false,
  "enable_ip_whitelisting": false,
  "allowed_ips": [],
  "dont_set_quota_on_create": false,
  "expire_analytics_after": 0,
  "response_processors": [],
  "CORS": {
    "enable": false,
    "allowed_origins": [],
    "allowed_methods": [],
    "allowed_headers": [],
    "exposed_headers": [],
    "allow_credentials": false,
    "max_age": 0,
    "options_passthrough": false,
    "debug": false
  "domain": "",
  "tags": [],
  "use_openid": true,
  "openid_options": {
    "providers": [
        "issuer": "localhost:5556",
        "client_ids": {
          "ZXhhbXBsZS1hcHA=": "demoapipolicy"
    "segregate_by_client": false

This is telling tyk to use OpenID connect (which isn’t part of the tutorial), so you need to generate the token using an OpenID connect provider, take a look at this Auth0 walk through:

Are you planning on using open ID?

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Thanks! That was a left-over from an earlier attempt. Yes, ultimately we want to use OpenID connect.

The problem is solved.

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