Generate Go template from source and target json models

It looks like the function first does not work.

 "source": {
          "name": "MV",
          "count": "{{len .data}}",
          "val" : [
          {{ range  $index, $e := first 3 .data }}
          {{ if $index }}, {{end}}
           {"aid": "{{ $e.aid}}", "vid": "{{ $e.vid}}" }
          {{ end }}

When I remove first n (where n is a number less than total) it works. There are 9 elements.

As an alternative I can check if index is first element but that will be slower in performance, plus more verbose.

  {{ if eq $index 0 }}   
        {"aid": "{{$index}} - {{ $e.aid}} ", "vid": "{{ $e.vid}}" } 

Looks like there is no support for a lot of these functions.