Gateways and Redis cluster vs, standard replication vs. sentinal

Just want to verify that deployed gateways can work with either redis setup as a cluster OR standard replication… BUT NOT with sentinel? I’m looking to have Tyk connect to Azure’s redis service which just offers a clustered version or standard (which is master slave). I assume they provide a lb in front of the master slave and tyk would see limited issues during a failover.

I can confirm that we have successful installations with Redis Sentinel with HAproxy on top of it. So in general it should work without any issues.

so it really comes down to how azures redis standard master/slave is actually setup and how it does failovers

My understanding is that with Azure, you get a single endpoint to target redis. As such, your redis client (tyk in this case) does not need to point to all the redis targets. This would indicate that Azure promotes the slave to master if the master fails automatically - and the client wouldn’t know any different.

If you are using a Hybrid Tyk installation, a Master Redis cluster is in our data-centre. As such the redis deployed within your “slaved DCs” can pretty much be ephemeral. Upon restart, the local redis cache will be populated with required session tokens as the tokens are used

Obviously, if you treat your redis as ephemeral - you would lose quota and rate-limit data when redis restarts and if is not configured for persistence.