ERROR Multi command failed: return index is out of range

After a redis crash I’m getting this message after every tyk query

Hi Xavier,

there is a Troubleshooting page regarding this error.

I hope it helps.

Kos @ Tyk Support Team

Thanks, but we are using latest 2.3.5

Can you clarify if you use Redis cluster, Redis sentinel, or Redis master/slave. Also show tyk.conf section related to redis, especially enable_cluster option.

Thank you!

Sorry, for not include more information…

I’m using a redis cluster with 3 servers and 3 slaves

"storage": { "type": "redis", "enable_cluster": true, "hosts": { "api1.local": "6379", "api2.local": "6379", "api3.local": "6379", "api1.local": "6479", "api2.local": "6479", "api3.local": "6479" }, "username": "", "password": "", "database": 0, "optimisation_max_idle": 2000, "optimisation_max_active": 4000 },

Thank you!

And what is version of the redis itself?

3.0.7 it’s the redis version