I’m using tyk version 1.3.2 on premise.
I have install this in a private cloud centos7 VMs : 1 VM for the gateway and one other for dashboard.
I have configure dashboard to use a self-signed certificate. I set my portal to a DNS (portal.pro.fr) referenced in the certificate and in the hosts file of VM. I can access dashboard and portal with firefox after setting an exception certificate in https.
But, in gateway log i have this error message :
time=“Mar 22 10:05:19” level=error msg=“Request failed: Get https://{floating ip dashboard}:443/register/node: x509: certificate
signed by unknown authority”
I copy my dashboard certificate into /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ and run update-ca-trust extract, but this error persists.
In dashboard, i have this error message : 2017/03/22 10:11:55 http: TLS handshake error from {floatting ip gateway}:36574: read tcp {fixed ip dashboard}:443->{floating ip gateway}:36574: read: connection reset by peer.
I suppose this error arrive because of protocol http… But all is configure in https?
Is anyone can help me?
Thanks a lot!