Creating an API using Tyk Gateway API is throwing error

I did a post to uri /tyk/apis/oas
Here is the request json

“components”: {
“securitySchemes”: {
“authToken”: {
“in”: “header”,
“name”: “Authorization”,
“type”: “apiKey”
“info”: {
“title”: “httpbin”,
“version”: “1.0.0”
“openapi”: “3.0.3”,
“paths”: {},
“security”: [
“servers”: [
“url”: “
“x-tyk-api-gateway”: {
“info”: {
“dbId”: “67191f449e7f4d00011db69e”,
“id”: “0aa8c4a22d034d0160c7b6a87dcf0d67”,
“name”: “httpbin”,
“orgId”: “6719184096ae260001a01d55”,
“state”: {
“active”: true
“middleware”: {
“global”: {
“contextVariables”: {
“enabled”: true
“cors”: {
“allowedHeaders”: [
“allowedMethods”: [
“allowedOrigins”: [
“enabled”: true,
“maxAge”: 86400
“prePlugins”: [
“enabled”: false,
“functionName”: “http-bin”,
“path”: “/http-bin”
“trafficLogs”: {
“enabled”: true
“transformRequestHeaders”: {
“add”: [
“name”: “”,
“value”: “”
“enabled”: false
“transformResponseHeaders”: {
“add”: [
“name”: “produced-by”,
“value”: “Balaji”
“enabled”: true
“server”: {
“authentication”: {
“enabled”: true,
“securitySchemes”: {
“authToken”: {
“enabled”: true
“gatewayTags”: {
“enabled”: true,
“tags”: [
“listenPath”: {
“strip”: true,
“value”: “/httpbin/”
“upstream”: {
“rateLimit”: {
“enabled”: true,
“per”: “24h0m0s”,
“rate”: 100
“url”: “

{“status”:“error”,“message”:“Request APIID does not match that in Definition! For Update operations these must match.”}

I am runnignTyk gateway in my local machine as a docker container. I got the above request json by creating a sample API in Tyk cloud dashboard and exporting it

@Balaji_Rengan Hello and welcome to the forums :tada:

Could you let us know what version of the gateway you are utilizing as well as the API request details?

Also, the JSON seems malformed. There’s a checkbox in the authToken field within the security section


It might be helpful to us to know what you are trying to achieve