Cannot connect to developer portal from public ip

I’m able to connect to developer portal only with the localhost address in the machine I have setup. If I try to access from other machine, with public ip of the machine in which tyk is setup, dev portal is not found. But dashboard is working when I try to access from another machine with public ip. How do I make it work so that I can access both, dashboard and portal, with public ip of the machine in which it running.
Below are the steps I’m trying.

  1. Tyk setup is running in machine1 => public ip1.
  2. Tryint to access dashboard from machine2 as => public ip1:3000 => dashboard works fine.
  3. Tryint to access developer portal from machine2 as => public ip1/portal => not found error. => need fix for this.
  4. Trying to access developer portal from machine1 as => localhost/portal => developer portal works fine.


The portal runs on the same port as the Dashboard, so you’ll need to use ‘3000’ for that too.
