Can tyk-pump be used on Kubernetes with tyk-ce?

I 've been evaluating tyk-ce on Kubernetes. As a part of this evaluation, is it possible to install tyk-pump on Kubernetes which is to observe activities at tyk-ce which is installed on Kubernetes?


Yes of course, all the components are agnostics to the platforms & OS on which they are run. As long as tyk-ce is storing analytics in Redis, and Pump can access Redis to scrape analytics, you are good!

is there any installation manual or a helm chart for pump installation on Kubernetes?
Sorry, I just noticed that it could be enabled in tyk-gw helm chart.

Another question…
I already have licensed pro nodes which is installed on cloud. Is it possible to see pump of tyk-ce analytics on dashboard without hurt the existing dashboard and pump configuration?

Yes, tyk-pump runs as a microservice independently of Dashboard. If you pump analytics to MongoDB, then the Dashboard will simply display them for you.