Can Tyk handle Event Stream types?

I’m trying to reverse proxy ArgoCD through Tyk and the realtime updates aren’t working.

Upon investigating, I see these errors in the browser:

In the ArgoCD logs, I see these being spammed:

│ time="2023-05-29T15:20:12Z" level=info msg="received streaming call /application.ApplicationService/Watch" grpc.method=Watch grpc.request.content="name:\"httpbin\" appNamespace:\"argocd\" " grpc.service=application.Applicat │
│ ionService grpc.start_time="2023-05-29T15:20:12Z" span.kind=server system=grpc                                                                                                                                                  │
│ time="2023-05-29T15:20:12Z" level=info msg="finished streaming call with code OK" grpc.code=OK grpc.method=Watch grpc.service=application.ApplicationService grpc.start_time="2023-05-29T15:20:12Z" grpc.time_ms=9.889 span.kin │
│ d=server system=grpc

It seems that the connection is being terminated. How can I instruct Tyk to keep it alive?

Had to enable this flag: