Analytics showing APIs from different organisation

Mongo hosts is your replicaset URL tyk_analytics is the DB name.

You can’t set it centrally, they are separate here because Pump is plugable and we use the pumps interface like all other pumps and they don’t share configs.

You can use this template as a guide:

Hi @Martin,

Just to let you know we’ve updated the pump config as per your example and the orgs seem to be seeing the correct analytics now.


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Just to be explicitly clear then, in your example above where you have

"mongo_url": "mongo-hosts/tyk_analytics"

The value “mongo-hosts/tyk_analytics” is just place holder text rather than the actual contents of the file. It is not “looking up” the value declared in a different config section/file ?


Yes it is a placeholder - there is no lookup, you would replace mongo_hosts with your MongoDB replica set connection string as described here:

We’d suggest having tyk_analytics as the DB name and not changing that though.

We have done that, I was just checking that I hadn’t missed a better way of registering the Mongo Hosts!