Version Failure WebHook


I saw that for the Webhook of a Version Failure Event the following is defined

type EVENT_VersionFailureMeta struct {
    	Path   string
    	Origin string
    	Key    string
    	Reason string

Should the key be filled if there is one, or is it always empty?
We get a lot of random errors of version failure but we can’t get enough information to examine the error

Hi Lukas,

Thanks for getting in touch. I’m currently reviewing your query and looking into how we can help.

Kind regards,
Jess @ Tyk

Hi Lukas,

According to our documentation, the key should only get set once the event is fired and so should be empty before then.
Are you able to provide an example of any of the error messages you’ve received as a result of these version failures so that we can look into the problem?

Kind regards,
Jess @ Tyk

Thanks for your reply. This is the message I get from the webHook:
VersionFailure: Attempted access to disallowed version / path… Path: /myApi/Shops/details/. Origin: {myIpAddress}. Key: .

We have a version specified with the accept header like application/vnd.{company}.v1+json, and there is an ApiKey specified in a custom header (X-{company}-ApiKey: …).

I think the error only occures when called by JavaScript code…
Do you think I can see the requests in the LogViewer? In which error codes would these result?

Hi Lukas,

I think that error message should only occur if the request made to the API version is invalid. Can you confirm as to whether you’re able to make requests to the endpoint in question without the Javascript middleware (i.e., via a cURL request)? If that doesn’t work, it might be worth checking that the API version hasn’t expired and that the endpoint is accessible.

Kind regards,
Jess @ Tyk