URL rewriting not working

Thanks. I put in the regex and that part works. You should put a link to that site in the docs as there is confusion on what regex syntax works here.

I also put in:
for the rewrite to address. I get this response:
“error”: “There was a problem proxying the request”
and this shows up in the logs:

bfe96915739c096 org_id=589a65006e3931000128cd5c server_name=api.dev.westfield.io user_id=“****5ef4” user_ip= user_name="[email protected]"
tyk-gateway_1 | time=“Feb 15 21:57:52” level=error msg=“request error: There was a problem proxying the request” api_id=24c8281d54364c806bfe96915739c096 org_id=589a65006e3931000128cd5c path=“/movies/v1/centres/foo/movies/movies/v1/centres/foo/movies” server_name=“http://www.mocky.io/v2/58a175411000000f295586b0” user_id= user_ip=

The path above is incorrect.