Unable to Install Tyk-Cli

Thanks matiasb, this is very helpful.

I’ve now setup gRPC, i’m running it from console as of now, and it is indeed working fine and listening to port 5555. However, I have another issue now, I have setup everything and added a test API as well. I’ve added correct settings to tyk.conf and added bundle name to the API configuration. with authentication set to Plugin. However, any request to this API now results in “Session state is missing or unset! Please make sure that auth headers are properly applied” .I tried accessing this using POSTMAN. Any specific key value pair or other info I need to add to the header for this to work. I expected it to return “Unauthorized” or “Forbidden” via 403 or 401 response if no Token is provided.

Actually, I did shut down the gRPC server and still had the same result, so it appears like TYK is expecting some information in a particular format.