Tyk-pump (stdout)

  1. “raw_request” & “raw_response” are in “Base64 format”, is there a way from stdout pump to decode that so Headers,body,… be readable?
    Event Metadata in tyk documentation

The best and fastest way I think this is possible is to make a custom pump (modify the open source pump to add a decode step). We have an example from elastic search pump codebase that I think you could use. This is all based on the assumption that manually copying the value and using a base64 decoding tool is not sufficient.

I think using the event meta data data depends on your use case. The events are thrown or executed when clearly defined system event conditions are met. I am not sure if custom events that can be created. But if they can, then maybe that is another avenue.

Lastly, you could explore FluentD and use the custom formatters. This is only a suggestion from looking at the docs. I have no idea maybe this could work.

  1. Can I exclude some of the default parameters in json like “geo”?
    I saw in Github that in Spunk pump we can do it via “ignore_tag_prefix_list”, is that possible to other pumps like stdout?

Based on the stdout.go source file, no. I think it is only allowed in Splunk. You could create a custom pump as earlier suggested. The idea would be to replicate the IgnoreTagPrefixList in stdout.

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