I have an API where I used the load balancing feature.
Now I removed the load balancer targets but tyk is still redirecting to three different servers…
In the mongoDB everything looks good I think…
Ok, I found the following in the logs…
time=“Jan 9 08:43:42” level=error msg=“No nodes available”
time=“Jan 9 08:44:14” level=error msg=“Policy request login failure, Response was: {“Status”:“Error”,“Message”:“Authorization failed”,“Meta”:null}\n”
time=“Jan 9 08:44:14” level=info msg=“Registering node (again).”
time=“Jan 9 08:44:14” level=info msg=“De-registering: 06c56e21-72a2-40c2-545b-5b4d85a7bf9b”
time=“Jan 9 08:44:14” level=error msg=“Dashboard is down? Failed fo de-register, incorrect status: 404”
time=“Jan 9 08:44:14” level=error msg=“Failed to register node, retrying in 5s”
time=“Jan 9 08:44:14” level=error msg=" --> Response was: {“Status”:“Error”,“Message”:“No nodes available”,“Meta”:null}\n"
Got it working now.
Is it possible that a “.” isn’t allowed as service name?