Tyk doint load balancing without definition for it


I have an API where I used the load balancing feature.
Now I removed the load balancer targets but tyk is still redirecting to three different servers…
In the mongoDB everything looks good I think…

Ok, I found the following in the logs…
time=“Jan 9 08:43:42” level=error msg=“No nodes available”

time=“Jan 9 08:44:14” level=error msg=“Policy request login failure, Response was: {“Status”:“Error”,“Message”:“Authorization failed”,“Meta”:null}\n”
time=“Jan 9 08:44:14” level=info msg=“Registering node (again).”
time=“Jan 9 08:44:14” level=info msg=“De-registering: 06c56e21-72a2-40c2-545b-5b4d85a7bf9b”
time=“Jan 9 08:44:14” level=error msg=“Dashboard is down? Failed fo de-register, incorrect status: 404”
time=“Jan 9 08:44:14” level=error msg=“Failed to register node, retrying in 5s”
time=“Jan 9 08:44:14” level=error msg=" --> Response was: {“Status”:“Error”,“Message”:“No nodes available”,“Meta”:null}\n"

Got it working now.
Is it possible that a “.” isn’t allowed as service name?


Hi Lukas,

Which version of Tyk do you currently have installed? In the past, some Tyk v2.2 users received the error message you’ve mentioned when restarting their Tyk instance but the bug that caused this should have been fixed in the latest version of Tyk. If you are using the latest version, could you please confirm that you’ve enabled payload signatures (instructions on how to do this can be found here) and confirm which version of Tyk you last upgraded from?

Kind regards,

Jess @ Tyk