TYK created users no longer visible

Hi Martin,

Mongo DB is running. To troubleshoot further, i decided to remotely connect to the TYK mongo DB via a UI tool. I was expecting the connection to be rejected and that i’ll have to go and dig out the default credentials from somewhere in one of the conf files but to my surprise i was connected from a remote PC with no credentials. Either I missed something or this part was not clearly highlighted that the MongoDB is fully unprotected.
So looking around in the collection/docs I came across the following which was my second big surprise. It turns out the MongoDB had been hacked and wiped out within a space of 2 weeks of bringing it up.

Database= Warning > Collection: Readme:
“_id” : ObjectId(“5989618267d0b6a003f0b583”),
“BitCoin” : “1ConGo1xRHCh3K6L1ywL4U1KHuC7XYQGqU”,
“eMail” : "[email protected]",
“Solution” : “Your DataBase is downloaded and backed up on our secured servers. To recover your lost data:Send 0.2 BTC to our BitCoin Address and Contact us by eMail with your MongoDB server IP Address and a Proof of Payment. Any eMail without your MongoDB server IP Address and a Proof of Payment together will be ignored. You are welcome!”