Tyk and consul service descovery integration

It seems that there was a body transformation hack.

Josh, can you please tell where exactly we need to add this block ? Can you share a sample API doc json where you would keep this block ?


Can you share your json for reference please ? I am facing exactly the same issue ? But I am not getting where exactly we need to add this block in my json.

@Radhika Have you had a look at our documentation. There are two types of body transformations. Request and Response. What you what is the response and that can be seen here Response Body
directly underneath the request doc

The JSON reference can be seen here

The json response you have attached is of consul catalog API response. I am talking about the API definition json. If you read Josh’s answer, Josh had asked to add the transform block in front of query definition. I am not getting where exactly that block needs to be added. If you can show a sample example that would be helpful

I am not sure I can see this. Can you help point this out?

If you meant this:

Then the full API definition is shared on the 11th post

So for me the trick was to set up a second api in tyk, this api will point at the service mesh service catlog endpoint. Then add a transformer to this api amd use the template above in the response transformation.

Then in your first api tell it to use this new service catalog endpoint instead.

This should do the trick for you.

Check 15th post/message

Jameso , Can you share your API json for reference?