TIB-v0.3.0 LDAP login error

Use the email which looks like “[email protected]”, first time login portal with TIB LDAP provider, after user login success, there is no email in the “Email address filed”.
and in the admin console, can see a null record :

The TIB log like below:
time=“2018-08-15T18:22:42+08:00” level=debug msg=“[AUTH HANDLERS] → Looking up profile ID:7”
time=“2018-08-15T18:22:42+08:00” level=debug msg=“[AD AUTH] Connect: starting…”
time=“2018-08-15T18:22:42+08:00” level=debug msg=“[AD AUTH] → To: localhost:389”
time=“2018-08-15T18:22:42+08:00” level=debug msg=“[AD AUTH] Connect: finished…”
time=“2018-08-15T18:22:42+08:00” level=debug msg=“DN: [email protected],ou=people,dc=ip029,dc=cn”
time=“2018-08-15T18:22:42+08:00” level=info msg=“[AD AUTH] User bind successful: [email protected]
time=“2018-08-15T18:22:42+08:00” level=info msg=“[AD AUTH] Search: starting…”
time=“2018-08-15T18:22:42+08:00” level=info msg=“[AD AUTH] LDAPFilter is blank, skipping”
time=“2018-08-15T18:22:42+08:00” level=info msg=“[AD AUTH] User Data:{map[] ADProvider [email protected]@ADProvider.com [email protected] 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC}”
time=“2018-08-15T18:22:42+08:00” level=debug msg=“[AD AUTH] Constraints for AD must be set in DN”
time=“2018-08-15T18:22:42+08:00” level=info msg=“[TYK ID HANDLER] Creating nonce”
time=“2018-08-15T18:22:42+08:00” level=info msg=“[TYK ID HANDLER] Creating identity for: {map[] ADProvider [email protected]@ADProvider.com [email protected] 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC}”
time=“2018-08-15T18:22:42+08:00” level=warning msg=“Response code was: 404”
time=“2018-08-15T18:22:42+08:00” level=warning msg=“GOT:{"Status":"Error","Message":"Could not retrieve portal object","Meta":null}\n”
time=“2018-08-15T18:22:42+08:00” level=warning msg=“[TYK ID HANDLER] Returned: {ObjectIdHex("") 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC false map[] map[] map[] }”
time=“2018-08-15T18:22:42+08:00” level=warning msg=“[TYK ID HANDLER] API Error: ”
time=“2018-08-15T18:22:42+08:00” level=info msg=“[TYK ID HANDLER] User not found, creating new record”
time=“2018-08-15T18:22:42+08:00” level=info msg=“[TYK ID HANDLER] Creating user”
time=“2018-08-15T18:22:43+08:00” level=info msg=“[TYK ID HANDLER] → Running redirect…”
time=“2018-08-15T18:22:43+08:00” level=info msg=“[TYK ID HANDLER] → URL With NONCE is: http://openapi.ip029.cn:3000/portal/sso?nonce=NDczOWJhMzMtYWVkZC00YTMyLTc2ZjgtOTBiMzdlMzYxN2Zi
time=“2018-08-15T18:22:43+08:00” level=debug msg=“[AD AUTH] Closing connection”

Then logout and re-login, the email will be shown.

and the admin console:

and the TIB log:
time=“2018-08-15T18:29:22+08:00” level=debug msg=“[AUTH HANDLERS] → Looking up profile ID:7”
time=“2018-08-15T18:29:22+08:00” level=debug msg=“[AD AUTH] Connect: starting…”
time=“2018-08-15T18:29:22+08:00” level=debug msg=“[AD AUTH] → To: localhost:389”
time=“2018-08-15T18:29:22+08:00” level=debug msg=“[AD AUTH] Connect: finished…”
time=“2018-08-15T18:29:22+08:00” level=debug msg=“DN: [email protected],ou=people,dc=ip029,dc=cn”
time=“2018-08-15T18:29:22+08:00” level=info msg=“[AD AUTH] User bind successful: [email protected]
time=“2018-08-15T18:29:22+08:00” level=info msg=“[AD AUTH] Search: starting…”
time=“2018-08-15T18:29:22+08:00” level=info msg=“[AD AUTH] LDAPFilter is blank, skipping”
time=“2018-08-15T18:29:22+08:00” level=info msg=“[AD AUTH] User Data:{map[] ADProvider [email protected]@ADProvider.com [email protected] 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC}”
time=“2018-08-15T18:29:22+08:00” level=debug msg=“[AD AUTH] Constraints for AD must be set in DN”
time=“2018-08-15T18:29:22+08:00” level=info msg=“[TYK ID HANDLER] Creating nonce”
time=“2018-08-15T18:29:22+08:00” level=info msg=“[TYK ID HANDLER] Creating identity for: {map[] ADProvider [email protected]@ADProvider.com [email protected] 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC}”
time=“2018-08-15T18:29:22+08:00” level=warning msg=“[TYK ID HANDLER] Returned: {ObjectIdHex("5b73fef38c993442e162114b") 2018-08-15 18:22:42.96 +0800 CST false 5abb6300d7371646bddee9cc map[] map[] map[] [email protected]@ADProvider.com}”
time=“2018-08-15T18:29:22+08:00” level=info msg=“[TYK ID HANDLER] → Running redirect…”
time=“2018-08-15T18:29:22+08:00” level=info msg=“[TYK ID HANDLER] → URL With NONCE is: http://openapi.ip029.cn:3000/portal/sso?nonce=ZjM4N2I0MDgtZjZlYS00MzUxLTVlYzktMGJkOGNhNGJjY2Rm
time=“2018-08-15T18:29:22+08:00” level=debug msg=“[AD AUTH] Closing connection”