Some defects installing and using dashboard

1)The help text for Add Policy section “Access Control” has a minor typo :
“Any key or policy in Tyk must have at least one Access rule, if you do not set this value (by cliking the add button), then keys may not function correctly. Access rules allow you to grant access to specific APIs and their versions in your system.”

2)The “Add access rule” button under section “Access Rights” on the page “Add Policy” does not work.
It’s not clear how to add an api without the ability to add a Policy without the ability to add Access rules.
Seems the “add_access_version()” is not activating, although I see no javascript console errors.

Hi skruger,

thanks for pointing out the typo.
What do you mean “does not work” ? Also do you mean the “Add” button or the “Access rules” dropdown ?
Can you be a little more specific on what you tried to achieve and why you couldn’t make it ?
If you add an API that is not “Open (Keyless)” then that API will appear in the Policy “Add access rule” dropdown and once it’s selected you can click on “Add” and it will attach that Policy (you need needs at least one Access Rule in order to create one).

Kos @ Tyk Support Team


That is exactly my problem - there is no way to add an Access Rule.
For example :

1)Add policy
2)Fill out policy name, leave everything default
3)In the section “Access rights” the drop-down shows no items, just a weird looking tick, but unable to select anything
4)Click the “Add” button - nothing happens.

I can’t add an API because I need a policy first.
I can’t add a policy because I need an Access rule first
I can’t add an Access Rule :

Hi skruger,

policy must be attached to a non “Open(Keyless)” API because rate limiting and quotas functionality require some unique user ID, like api_key or OAuth token.
What is the reason that you want to follow the flow that you described ?

Kos @ Tyk Support Team