Setting up TCP Proxy

Hi @selvamp

Thanks for sharing the config and log files.

From the log files we can see multiple issues but we will take one step at a time

Port Whitelisting issue

time=“Aug 12 06:23:43” level=error msg=“Can’t start listener” error=“tcp:18780 trying to open disabled

By default, you will not be able to run a service on a custom port, until you whitelist the required ports. So to fix the error above you would need specify the ports or disable whitelisting and allow any TCP port in the config file. More information can be found here

Redis connection issue

time=“Aug 12 06:20:22” level=error msg=“Connection to Redis failed, reconnect in 10s” err=EOF prefix=pub-sub

Could you check if you can manually connect to redis?

Tyk Installation issue

time=“Aug 12 06:21:06” level=fatal msg=“Error initialising system: couldn’t unmarshal config: invalid character '”’ after object key:value pair" prefix=main

This may be caused by improper syntax of the config files. However, I formatted the config file you shared and did not find any issues.

To investigate further, could you share your API definition. Based on the logs, we noticed about 3 APIs trying to be loaded. Are there any APIs on the dashboard that work? If yes, then please share the API definitions of the ones that do not work.