I want to secure Tyk 2.3 with https. I studied 2 options but came across problems with both of them. Could you provide me some insights ?
Option 1: manage https with a reverse proxy.
When I deploy Tyk dashboard behind a reverse proxy with https on port 443, Tyk dashboard still advertises its url to Tyk gateway this way : “http://dashboard:3000”. So I still have to leave the http port 3000 opened
Moreover, the dashboard webapp tries to open a websocket on port 5000 with https scheme, which cannot be satisfied by the dashboard.
Is there a way to configure the url advertised by tyk dashboard and the websocket url ?
Option 2: configure https in Tyk
When I configure https in Tyk dashboard, I no longer have integration problems of option 1. Yet, I have to access dashboard on port 3000 while I’d rather access it on port 443.
Is there a way to configure this port in Tyk 2.3 ?
Thanks for your help,