Regenerating tyk_nginx /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.tconf files

That’s is on purpose. We’re redirecting to a similar but slightly different url.

As an experiment, change the listen path to be something random.

Nope. It didn’t like that - back to 404 Not Found.

With the listen_path set to /api-name/ I can access from but anything added after the listen_path I get the 404.

Wait, so if you set the listen path to /banana/ and the target to and then call it 404’s?

Remember there’s a 10 second delay between saving an API and it going live on the gateway, you’ll need to wait for the reload.

Secondly, what does the 404 look like? Can you screenshot pls?

Apologies. I misunderstood changing the listen path to “/random/” and calling works.

Further apologies. The last batch of 404’s was coming from an upstream server in our infrastructure. Our Tyk setup seems to be back up and running.

Now to write some scripts to update our existing APIs listen_paths and domains and all should be good :smiley:

Thanks for all your help Martin,