Question from Tyk: What information is most valuable to you in a key request?

Hi all,

I’m trying to understand what information is most valuable when you are receiving key requests in the Dashboard.

What do you want to see in this table?

  • Requestor email address?

  • The name of the catalogue API they requested access to?

  • Do you want to approve/deny it straight away from the list, or have to click edit?

  • Is the ID helpful at all?

  • Should the request disappear once approved?

Currently you get the below:

Any answers you can give would be amazing. Cheers!

Nick @ Tyk :tyk2:

I think it will be helpful to have the Requestor information (UserName / Email), so it at least allows to know who is actually requesting for the API request. Optionally, the organisation he/she representing will also be helpful.

Do you want to approve/deny it straight away from the list, or have to click edit
Maybe it just me, i think i would prefer to have it approve straight away if sufficient information (who and why) is provided.

Should the request disappear once approved?
I think this could be archived or put in a request history page?

Thanks for the answers :+1:

In terms of the org name, this is a great idea, however each user of Tyk can setup their own customer signup fields for the portal, so it depends on what info has been setup here, as to what can display. The only required field on developer signup is email address.

Maybe there should be a feature for a user to select which of their custom fields to display? Or is that overkill? :thinking:

I think having the flexibility is good, but it should be controlled at platform level as of now. An email and optional information like organisation / app Name would be a good start.

Just sufficient information to approve or reject the request on the list

Unless you have strong demand or use cases that required a developer to provide more information,then the custom fields feature could be handy.