Proxy error: remote error: tls: handshake failure

Hi Gregor,

  • I’m running Tyk using docker-compose, used this repo GitHub - TykTechnologies/tyk-gateway-docker: Docker compose deployment to run Tyk OSS Gateway
  • I’m making the call from a server on a private network (origin, where Tyk is installed) to another server in the same network
  • The target server (defined in target_url) accepts requests only with https/SSL, won’t accept http requests without SSL and the request should come from a whitelisted domain, in this case it’s the one defined in the domain_name

Regarding the log data, I’m using the docker-compose image for the Tyk Gateway only (not sure if that’s makes a difference in the logging level), and enabled the “log_level”: “debug” in the API, with that I’m only seeing the following line in the log, which doesn’t tell much:

tyk-gateway_1 | time=“Jun 07 09:35:17” level=error msg=“http: proxy error: remote error: tls: handshake failure” api_id=1 api_name=“My API” mw=ReverseProxy org_id=default prefix=proxy user_id=“****17c5” user_ip= user_name=