Per Session Rate Limiting in CE Edition not working


I’ve had a review of the details you sent us and noticed you’re missing the field setting in your policy to enable per API policy limits, which means the policy limits may not be enforced as expected.

Can I ask that you modify your policy to include a “partitions” section, defining per_api within it. I’ve reproduced your example policy below and added the relevant section at the end of the policy.

	"test-policy": {
	  "access_rights": {
		"gop-1": {
		  "allowed_urls": [],
		  "api_id": "gop-1",
		  "api_name": "Tyk Test API (Plain) 2",
		  "versions": [
		"pln-1": {
			"allowed_urls": null,
			"api_id": "pln-1",
			"versions": [
			"limit": {
			  "rate": 3,
			  "per": 60
	  "active": true,
	  "name": "test policy",
	  "rate": 5,
	  "per": 60,
	  "quota_max": -1,
	  "quota_renewal_rate": 3600,
	  "state": "active",
	  "org_id": "default",
	  "tags": [],
      "partitions": {
         "per_api": true


Could you re-test your rate limiting afterwards and see if this causes the results you expect?


Best Regards,