Tyk does not handle scopes when it hands back the redirect URL, it’s just the way the Tyk OAuth server works.
I’ve passed this on to the product team, they will look to see if there’s something that can be done about it in future.
Thanks @James, the state is a must, with it you can avoid some security issues, as the client can verify that the callback it’s from its original request.
Any updates on this, @James? I’m surprised to learn that scope and state are not supported. I wanted to use scope today but couldn’t understand what happened to it until I realized Tyk was stripping it while redirecting.
It would be great to get this fixed. The state param is intended as a security feature of OAuth, and the scope parameter is very useful if you want to implement things like two-factor authentication or scoped/limited access tokens.
Since both are really just parameters passed from client app to the login page, and require no explicit support in Tyk, I see no reason why Tyk would strip them out like it does currently.
@richardolsson because of your question about just retuerning state and scope, I looked at the code, not just our docs and looks like we can support simple state and scope by returning the output we get when using the osin library ( Golang OAuth2 server library).