No Nodes Running - Dashboard [SOLVED]

Nada! Have no been able to get this working. The portal is fine now, the gateway just return “not found” for any combination of paths it is passed.

The nginx gateway.conf looks like

   location / {

       rewrite /(.*) /[API_SLUG]/$1 break; 404
      #rewrite /(.*) /[LISTENPATH]/$1 break; - 404
      #rewrite /(.*) /[API_ID]/$1 break; - 404

       proxy_pass_header Server;
       proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
       proxy_redirect off;
       proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
       proxy_set_header X-Scheme $scheme;
      proxy_pass http://tyk/;

If I swop out the upstream for “” redirects with no 404 unless I add a path. If I push this to the upstream I just get a 404 which to me seems like TYK-GATEWAY does not have access to the API definitions which may be why I am getting that no nodes running error. NGINX is picking up the rewrites and throwing them the right way (logging rewrites at INFO level).

At a total loss. This is the last step (I hope :slight_smile: ) Any advice much appreciated.