"No JSON object could be decoded" error while creating an API


i may be getting somewhere.
[root@staging- apps]# curl -H “x-tyk-authorization: 352d20ee67be67f6340b4c0605b044b7” -s -H “Content-Type: application/json” -X POST -d ‘{“name”: “Test API”, “slug”: “test-api”, “api_id”: “1”, “org_id”: “1”, “auth”: { “auth_header_name”: “Authorization”}, “definition”: { “location”: “header”, “key”: “x-api-version” }, “version_data”: { “not_versioned”: true, “versions”: { “Default”: { “name”: “Default”, “use_extended_paths”: true } } }, “proxy”: { “listen_path”: “testapi”, “target_url”: “http://http://httpbin.org/”, “strip_listen_path”: true }, “active”: true }’ | python -mjson.tool

time=“Feb 27 13:40:48” level=warning msg=“API Definition with this ID already exists, deleting file…”
( i typed above twice) yes. this works. same copy paste as i mentioned earlier.
I did however reinstalled everything from ground zero. perhaps, some indeed some issue with services, which logging didn’t show.

** “action”: “added”,**
** “key”: “1”,**
** “status”: “ok”**


i can query the api’s (test api not listed, despite earlier OK, but demo/example one is (as from the ./apps/example one.

curl -H “x-tyk-authorization: 352d20ee67be67f6340b4c0605b044b7” “” | jq
“name”: “Tyk Test API”,
“slug”: “”,
“api_id”: “1”,
“org_id”: “default”,

---- long story short,

i note that dashboard is not reflecting what the curl is responding with.
As per example above, this information is nowhere to be found in the dashboard. in fact, i have some other API demo example(as, so named) listed there,
