Monitoring Tyk-Pump with Prometheus

We use the Prometheus system to monitor our cloud infrastructure and I wondered if anyone already has integrated Tyk into Prometheus monitoring.

I thought of using Tyk-Pump to export to CSV and then write some custom scripts to expose as Prometheus compatible format.

Another idea would be to use some intermediate format like InfluxDB/Statsd, because there are already exporters for Prometheus: Exporters and integrations | Prometheus

What do you think?


Both StatsD and InfluxDB natively supported by the Pump // so it can be a good idea to use exporter, like you mentioned.

Leonid, Tyk Team

I have exactly the same use-case. The prometheus statsd_exporter has the same input interface as the statsd (daemon) itself, so Tyk-Pump can pump the data directly into the statsd_exporter, which is nice.

There are just some quirks to keep in mind, like this issue.