JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication mode for APIs, and JWT API keys

Hi @Luan Thanks for the reply.

I need to create my own keys that’s why i was asking about the each individual key.

However i’ve noticed something strange.

I’ve created an api key with an individual secret using this body:
POST: http://www.tyk-test.com:8181/tyk/keys/aaa-bbb-999

        "allowance": 1000,
        "rate": 1000,
        "per": 60,
        "expires": -1,
        "quota_max": -1,
        "quota_renews": 1449051461,
        "quota_remaining": -1,
        "quota_renewal_rate": 60,
        "access_rights": {
            "a8de59c9cd404abc46f07a841a7aeb6a": {
                "api_name": "Test with api key",
                "api_id": "a8de59c9cd404abc46f07a841a7aeb6a",
                "versions": [
                "allowed_urls": []
        "org_id": "5aaa35ad7d0d6e000187d6ea",
        "oauth_client_id": "",
        "basic_auth_data": {
            "password": "",
            "hash_type": ""
        "jwt_data": {
            "secret": "xxx"
        "hmac_enabled": false,
        "hmac_string": "",
        "is_inactive": false,
        "apply_policy_id": "",
        "apply_policies": [],
        "data_expires": 0,
        "monitor": {
            "trigger_limits": null
        "meta_data": {
        	"aaa": 1
        "tags": ["aaa"]

And generated a token with this header:

  "alg": "HS256",
  "typ": "JWT",
  "kid": "aaa-bbb-999"

Then used this JWT to get access to the API. This is all good.
However chaning the kid in the header to “aaa-bbb-99” and regenerating the JWT I still get access. How is this possible?

I’ve noticed that behaviour with a regular access token as well. Is this a vulnerability in Tyk gateway?

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