High Latency in Tyk

Thanks for your reply.

The log did not indicate anything suspicions. The ulimit on open file handles was properly set to be 80000 as well as `security/limits.conf.

However, I have tried your suggestions, namely adding the lines you have specified into the configuration file and as well as turning off syslog completely and I can now see substantial improvement for a 3 minute load test:

Running 3m test @ http://tyk01.us.ad.mydomain.com:8080/v1/deals?api_key=58b76d8c5e321209fcc2ab79b6d59fc6ae6d4ed3700d76ed116c54cf
  1 threads and 100 connections
  Thread calibration: mean lat.: 8.230ms, rate sampling interval: 45ms
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency   249.05ms  865.12ms   5.28s    92.72%
    Req/Sec     3.04k     1.45k    7.93k    67.67%
  Latency Distribution (HdrHistogram - Recorded Latency)
 50.000%    2.93ms
 75.000%   27.63ms
 90.000%   96.38ms
 99.000%    4.57s
 99.900%    5.07s
 99.990%    5.17s
 99.999%    5.24s
100.000%    5.29s

The api is defined via a json file in gui + caching turned on in options there:

  1 {
  2     "id": "58a4fe196404310a035c7174",
  3     "name": "Deal Service",
  4     "slug": "deal-service",
  5     "api_id": "c26c389462a9435375602711e50794f5",
  6     "org_id": "58990a186404311bde66ab64",
  7     "use_keyless": false,
  8     "use_oauth2": false,
  9     "use_openid": false,
 10     "openid_options": {
 11         "providers": [],
 12         "segregate_by_client": false
 13     },
 14     "oauth_meta": {
 15         "allowed_access_types": [],
 16         "allowed_authorize_types": [],
 17         "auth_login_redirect": ""
 18     },
 19     "auth": {
 20         "use_param": true,
 21         "param_name": "",
 22         "use_cookie": false,
 23         "cookie_name": "",
 24         "auth_header_name": "api_key"
 25     },
 26     "use_basic_auth": false,
 27     "enable_jwt": false,
 28     "use_standard_auth": true,
 29     "enable_coprocess_auth": false,
...and so on... 

So the result looks somtehing like:


So something happens at 60%'s percentile after which there is a significant growth in latency. It becomes more apparent when I do 10 minute tests. The latency reaches around 45ms for 60%. Any ideas about what could be the source of it? It does not correspond to cpu or memory load on the server.