We’re evaluating Tyk and would like to use our existing AzureAD implementation as an OpenIDConnect authentication provider. Looking through the docs, it does not appear to be supported. Is anyone using AzureAD as a provider with Tyk?
Hmmm, it’s unlikely, and I’ve never seen anyone use it or mention it. However, Tyk Identity Broker is designed to help integrate Tyk with third party IDMs with only a little bit of effort.
TIB supports LDAP (only tested against OpenLDAP), and is designed as a plugable/fork able mini service to help bridge the gap between IDMs and Tyk Components.
It also supports social auth (OAuth) and has a proxy handler to integrate against legacy /Unknown identity services.
Suggest checking it out, it’s probably your best hope for integrating Azure AD.
I have tested it with Azure and it works