mongo ssl not working

How could you configure mongo with ssl using tyk?

The connection string provided by is not working as ssl=true is an unrecognized option. Any other way to configure tyk with ssl? Unfortunatly does not allow non ssl connections, or I have overseen something.

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Hmmm, our driver currently connects only via mongodb:// connection strings, not SSL-enabled dialer’s. We’d need to add a new TLS dialer to handle SSL-enabled connections.

unfortunately the connection string just works with ssl mongodb://[username]:[password]@HOST:PORT/DB?ssl=true.

If I remove the ssl=true its not working and if I add it tyk is saying that ssl=true is not recognized.

We use compose here at tyk, although we’re not on the latest deployments, and the connections strings work fine, maybe disable SSL?

I have seen that you are using them. That was the reason that I wanted to try that service ;). Unfortunately I didn’t found a way to disable SSL and I already contacted their support.

I just found articles on compose on how to handle ssl, e.g.: Going SSL with Compose MongoDB+ - Compose Articles

Resolved it with the compose support. It seems that the ssl setting cannot be changed at runtime and I needed to re-create the DB without ssl. Not its working fine.

Anyway, SSL support would be a nice feature ;).

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Just bumped into the same thing, I’m new to Tyk but wondering how secure it is without the SSL (I don’t know yet exactly what Tyk is transmitting and storing into Mongo).

Would I be right in thinking you are a Go based app using mgo?

That’s right Tyk is a Golang app, and we’re adding Mongo TLS support in the next release (v2.4), it’s already in master for most of the major packages.

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