Auth Token Authorization is getting failed

Also getting the below error…

[Jun 13 11:18:12] INFO host-check-mgr: Loading uptime tests…
[Jun 13 11:18:12] ERROR Failed to decode body: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type []main.DBPolicy

Can you share your conf files - if you have to anonymise IPs and host names please use representative ones (I.e. Differentiate between them somehow so we can see what is pointing at what)


I made it through the portal and gateway as well.

Logs are also fine.

Is there any sample demo for passing parameters in URL to test the api?

Also, i want to customize the portal to have input and output parameters like REST Client check?

Would that be possible in Tyk? Please advise


Can you please help me in importing Swagger documentation via URL as I am geting things on Portal but couldnt explore the same i.e, gettting error like failed to parse JSON/YAML response.

Is there any tutorial available ?

There is no tutorial, if your swagger is valid, then Tyk will just use it for the docs.

You may have a CORS issue on the host that is storing your swagger file.

How to check that ?

I am pointing to the end point which i used to get response without the integration of swagger ?

  1. Open your browser developer console
  2. Go to the docs page in your portal
  3. See what errors show in the console

I am getting below error…

failed to parse JSON/YAML response

There are two fields. 1. Endpoint where my api url is getting displayed.
2. Api_key

Is there any way or path to see my api code which is created via dashboard?

These don’t look like developer console errors, can you check what your chrome/firefox developer console is saying when you access the broken documentation page.

Getting same error and new one too.

fetching resource list: http://my_domain/portal/apis/57624d1dcefedf117800001d/documentation/raw

Is there anyway that i can customize the swagger.html which tyk is accessing whenever i am opting for documentation.

Also, i have created apis using dashboard. Is there anyway that i could find the api definitions from backend server.

@pllraj I really can’t help you until you take a look at the developer console, the developer console in chrome or firefox will you give you detailed errors about what is going on with the request for the documentation

As for your other questions, take a look at the Dashboard REST API Documentation.

This is the error which I am getting after importing swagger doc over in dashboard and then I am following the below steps to see.

Developer Pprtal → Api Catalogue->> View Documentation

Like the same one: Portal: Multiple ajax calls to retrieve Swagger json in docs page. · Issue #228 · TykTechnologies/tyk · GitHub

Here is where I am getting the /documentation/raw error.

Would that give you enough info to help ou?

Getting dashboard error as below.

Showing unchecked raw content. TODO: Add security middleware