API Developer portal "Not Found"

Hi all,

I’ve installed tyk v1.6 on GCP compute engine. I’m using on-premise and had dashboard launched but the developer portal is pointing to Private IP of the instance not the Public IP as it should.

The URL is: http://MY_PRIVATE_IP:PORT_NO/5ad4fdb5c3779a6a65f00688/portal/

I’ve also changes all the tyk-gateway config files to point to Public IP; and the tyk-dashboard tyk_analytics.conf

I’ve type in the browser http://MY_PUBLIC_IP:PORT_NO/5ad4fdb5c3779a6a65f00688/portal/

And I get the error page with message “Not Found”.

I followed documentation: //tyk.io/docs/tyk-dashboard/configuration/

Any help is much appreciated.


Hi - is the portal definitely published? You need to add a homepage and policy before publishing.
